Sunday, September 19, 2010

Aspen, CO Roadie: Day 1

A view of Aspen Mountain; my brother-in-law's condo is at the base of the mountain.

While we have been back in New York for almost two weeks now, this morning I finally took a moment to begin going back through some of the (many) digital pictures Anne and I took during our early September trip to stay at her brother's condo in Aspen, Colorado.

The connecting flights from Rochester to Chicago to Denver to Aspen were uneventful and following our arrival, the first day was spent simply familiarizing ourselves with the town and marvelling at the tans, plastic surgery, domesticated dogs (of which there was a ration of at least one per person) and relaxing.

Behold the menacing glory of the Aspen Wicker Bear--
despite the scenery around you (based on my own observations) this has got to be
one of the most photographed attractions in town!

From the balcony we had a tremendous view of both the town and Smuggler's Mountain.

We had not expected to enjoy the architecture as much as we had--there was a surprising array of early American buildings to be seen.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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