Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sit On It (Again)!

The Fonz: [to his class] Don't you understand, your brain is clay and I gotta *squeeze* it!
[class is startled]
The Fonz: [then calmly] Let me put that another way..."
~Happy Days (1974)
Following yesterday's "run" (which as you'll recall ended poorly), I decided to try a different tact in preparing for today's scheduled "Rest" day. Waking up, just a Tad earlier than "normal," I once again dug out one of my old (like, gosh, almost seven years-old now!) yoga videotapes to work through. All of the series are short, roughly twenty-minutes, and therefore manageable. At 5:30 a.m. I worked through the stretches presented in AM Yoga for Beginners with uber-yogi Rodney Yee (he of the by-now-familiar Prana Sleep mattress television ads).

Following the brief practice I sat for about ten minutes and focused on my breathes as I began to prepare for the final day of planning before classes begin in earnest tomorrow. Perhaps the time I used for running after work yesterday could be better spent sitting, especially given how poorly it went. If I could find take make the time to sit for a short time after school and run once the sun has set my overall training would feel be more holistic and satisfying.

Breathe in, breathe out... YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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